NHKドラマ「どこにもない国」の原作『満州 奇跡の脱出』の著者 Maruyama氏からご感想をいただきました
終戦後、旧満州に取り残された150万を超える日本人の帰国を実現に導くためにわが身を捨てて奔走した男たち・丸山邦雄、新甫八朗、武蔵正道。 彼らがいなければ、旧満州から日本人は引き揚げて、祖国の土を踏むことはできなかったかもしれません。
(『A PROMISE TO LIVE FOR』(邦題:『お母ちゃんとの約束いっちゃんとキヨシちゃんが歩いた満州五五〇キロ』)の著者 Izumi Mochizuki Greubelさんあてに届いたもので、Maruyama氏の許可をいただきシェアさせていただきます。)
Paul Kuniaki Maruyama氏からお寄せいただいたご感想
“It’s beyond my words to describe your mother’s courage and determination – I was so astonished to find out what your mother had to go through when she was only 10 years old. Your mother and my mother displayed so much fortitude …I must say there were undoubtedly many strong-willed ladies during that trying time in Manchuria. Both our mothers went through such hardships in Manchuria and against all odds returned to Japan, your mother responsible for protecting her little brother and my mother caring for four of us children. How thankful I am! It is evident both of our sweet and gentle mothers in fact possess true grit.
I am doubtful that any present 10-year old child can survive what your mother has experienced. I hope your book will be read by as many people as possible, especially younger generations. The great thing about your book is that it’s very easy to follow as it’s simple and clear. Another special thing about this book is that each family member contributed on making this book and it’s a very rare product.
I have no problem if you share my father’s story and what I have done to tell it since I want as many people as possible to know about the tragedy in Manchuria. Needless to say, wars need to be avoided because innocent children, civilians, women and elderly people are the ones who bear the brunt of the suffering of it. We must let the people around the world, especially the young generation, know the consequences of wars, and I’m happy if I can contribute toward world peace by sharing my story. “
当時10歳だった郁江お母様の勇気、精神力、意志、信念 - 信じ難い素晴らしい偉業を成し遂げたことに驚く他、言葉がありません。望月郁江様の勇気や自分自身の母の勇気を振り返って考え、あの満州の悲劇の頃には勇気のあるしっかりした素晴らしい女性たちがいらっしゃったのだなあと思う他ありません。泉さんのお母様と自分の母は満州で信じられない苦労をされ、それを乗り越えて、泉さんのお母様の場合は弟のキヨシ君を守りながら、私の母の場合は我々四人兄弟を守りながら、日本に引き揚げたことを回想すると、感謝の言葉がありません。泉さんのお母様も、自分の母も、何だか格別な勇気をその優しさの中に隠している気がしてたまりません。
About Mr. Paul Maruyama
Izumi Mochizuki Greubel
He is the author of “Escape from Manchuria.” A drama was broadcasted in Japan this year based on its Japanese version.
“In the closing days of WWII, the Soviet Union attacked and occupied Japanese-controlled northern China, then called Manchuria. Immediately, misery and death from cold, hunger, disease, and brutality descended upon the Japanese civilians at the hands of the Soviet Army and revenge-seeking mobs and bandits. Nearly 2,500 Japanese died daily. Three courageous men embarked on a secret mission and escaped to Japan to eventually bring an end to the Manchurian nightmare. In the riveting story, Escape from Manchuria, the son of one of the three courageous men narrates for the Western readers a compelling tale of the rescue and repatriation of nearly 1.7 million Japanese that began almost a year after the surrender of Japan. Escape from Manchuria describes the indispensable role that General Douglas MacArthur and his staff played in the repatriation. It also discloses the role played by the Catholic Church in Manchuria and Japan in assisting the three men to achieve this monumental success. The heroics of the three men have not been fully recognized, even in Japan, because they took on the mission of rescue as private citizens, without the consent or knowledge of the then-utterly helpless Japanese government. This is the story of their courage and determination to save the lives of their fellow Japanese.” (cited from “Escape from Manchuria” product information on Amazon.com)
Mr. Paul Maruyama’s father, Mr. Kunio Maruyama, was one of the three brave men. Neither my mother nor I knew about this rescue mission until we watched this drama several months ago. We decided to send Mr. Maruyama our book, in both the Japanese and English versions to show our deepest appreciation because If it wasn’t for Mr. Maruyama’s father and the two other men, my mother and her family may not have been able to return to Japan. Soon, I received an email from Mr. Maruyama with his comments about the book as well as his thoughts about war. With Mr. Maruyama’s permission, I would like to share some parts of our email exchanges.
“It’s beyond my words to describe your mother’s courage and determination – I was so astonished to find out what your mother had to go through when she was only 10 years old. Your mother and my mother displayed so much fortitude …I must say there were undoubtedly many strong-willed ladies during that trying time in Manchuria. Both our mothers went through such hardships in Manchuria and against all odds returned to Japan, your mother responsible for protecting her little brother and my mother caring for four of us children. How thankful I am! It is evident both of our sweet and gentle mothers in fact possess true grit.
I am doubtful that any present 10-year old child can survive what your mother has experienced. I hope your book will be read by as many people as possible, especially younger generations. The great thing about your book is that it’s very easy to follow as it’s simple and clear. Another special thing about this book is that each family member contributed on making this book and it’s a very rare product.
I have no problem if you share my father’s story and what I have done to tell it since I want as many people as possible to know about the tragedy in Manchuria. Needless to say, wars need to be avoided because innocent children, civilians, women and elderly people are the ones who bear the brunt of the suffering of it. We must let the people around the world, especially the young generation, know the consequences of wars, and I’m happy if I can contribute toward world peace by sharing my story. “
I’m so honored to receive such wonderful words from Mr. Maruyama…his gentleness and thoughts toward war came straight into my heart. I wish I could hop on an airplane to visit Mr. Maruyama right now! Thank you so much for being a part of my mother’s and my life, Mr. Maruyama. We are very grateful.
~ The story of how two small children had to trek
all alone across Manchuria in 1946 ~
- Author Izumi Mochizuki Greubel
- Illustrated by Ikue “Iku” Mochizuki
- English translation by Douglas Mochizuki Greubel
- First edition 1st printing August 1, 2018
- Design Tsutomi Miyata
- publisher Yukimi Masuda / Pencom Co., Ltd.
- 2-20 Hitomarucho, Akashi-shi Hyogo Prefecture 673-0877
http://pencom.co.jp - Release Impress Corporation
- 105, 1 – chome, Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda ku Tokyo 101 – 0051 Tokyo
- Copyright 2018 Izumi Mochizuki Greubel
- ISBN 978-4-295-40229-9 C8095
To comment, request to purchase the book, and any other inquiries,
please send an email to “apromisetolivefor@gmail.com”
or visit https://www.facebook.com/apromisetolivefor/
- ISBN 978-4-295-40229-9 C8095